As with previous installments, each game follows the journey of a young Pokémon trainer (and the trainer's friends) as they train Pokémon. It was First announced on January 8, 2013, by Satoru Iwata through a special Nintendo Direct,both X and Y were released worldwide on October 12, 2013,making them the first Nintendo-published retail games to have a simultaneous global release in all key regions. They are the first installments in the sixth generation of the Pokémon series of role-playing games. Pokémon X and Pokémon Y are the first 3d role-playing video games developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS. Lets start from the basics.Citra is a free and developing 3ds emulating software and was able to run some homebrew games but with the nightly built update it is now able to emulate most games including Pokemon X and Y but with lags even on a PC with GTX 1080. THIS IS OLD POST! PLEASE VISIT BELOW LINK FOR ULTIMATE SPEED GAME!!īefore proceeding if you want to Download Pokemon Movie 19 Volcanion and Mechanical Marvel in English Dubbed in High Definition (Google Drive Link)(990MB) Click this link. WAIT BEFORE READING THIS POST WE HAVE SOMETHING MORE BETTER FOR YOU! NOW YOU CAN PLAY POKEMON SUN AND MOON IN 60FPS IN LATEST CITRA BUILD JIT.